Pågående auktioner

ALD Leasing - New Arrivals (102)
CarNext.Com NL (110)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (13)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (26)
Damaged Cars Selection (5)
Arval Belgium - Parallel Veiling (86)
ALD Leasing - Normal Auction (77)
ALD Automotive (117)
Raiffeisen IMPULS Leasing vehicles (21)
Santander cars and commercial vehicles (39)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (49)
Ayvens Carmarket Open auction (125)
ALD Automotive (106)
LeasePlan (6)
Tax free Vans (71)
Commercial and industrial vehicles (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (30)
Damaged and wrecked vehicles (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (40)
Erste Bank (14)
Santander cars and commercial vehicles (10)
Sweeper from company (3)
Concession on the day (131)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (63)
Exclusive vehicle (85)
LeasePlan (10)
RCI Banque AT (10)
Autorola BE - Auction with BUY NOW (7)
Multi Mix Autorola NL - The Netherlands (14)
Fleet Owner Selection (15)
ALD Vans - New Arrivals (52)
Autorola Mix (6)
Auction - Vans 1 - 20m3 - FR (168)
Janssen Van Kouwen Automotive - NL Closed Bids (24)
Auction - Higher than 100.000 KM - FR (176)
Auction - Lower Than 100 000KM – FR (57)
Alphabet Italia (50)
Renting Vehicles Special Selection (22)
100% Electric (7)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (99)
Buy It Now! (1)
Arval NL - Closed Bids (22)
Hertz vehicles (6)
Auction - Premium - Long term rental - FR (120)
Auction - BMW&MINI Group - FR (150)
Autorola Mix - Più di 150.000 km (22)
Auction - Long Term Rental - FR (304)
ALD Leasing - New Arrivals (46)
Athlon Car Lease NL (186)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (31)
Athlon Vans / Commercial vehicle - NL closed bids (16)
Volkswagen VAN Auction (62)
VW Leasing TENDER Auction < 125.000KM (298)
VW Leasing TENDER Auction > 125.000KM (89)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (111)
Exclusive car selection (22)
KBC Autolease NV (102)
Ayvens Carmarket Tender auction (180)
Leasys Luxembourg S.A. (32)
Open Auction: Electric Vehicles (direct deal between buyer and seller). (9)
Open Auction: Perfect for registration in the buyer's country (direct deal between buyer and seller). (12)
Buy It Now! (1)
Special Renting Auction (62)
Sixt Rent a Car S.r.l. (12)
Commercial and Tourism Vehicles Selection (24)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (19)
Auction - Audi, BMW, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo,... - FR (15)
Special Hybrid & Electric (18)
Allane - Ex-leasing vehicles (218)
Multi Dealer & Fleet (4)
Fleet Owner Selection (19)
NL Truck Van & Trailer Auction (4)
ČSOB Leasing, a.s. - Trucks Auction (16)
Autorola Italy TRUCKS (34)
Alphabet Italia (10)
Multi Fleet & Dealer Italy (3)
Exclusive Damage Car auction (3)
Premium (5)
Exclusive car selection Audi, VW, Seat, Skoda and Cupra (24)
exclusive damaged cars (61)
Mercedes-Benz Special Selection (24)
Autorola Mix - Meno di 150.000 km (80)
Bleeker & de Jong (187)
Ford eAuction
Sixt Rent a Car S.r.l. (12)
Exclusive company cars (1)
Multi Mix Autorola NL - The Netherlands (7)
Exclusive car selection Audi, VW, Seat, Skoda and Cupra (17)
Alphabet Italia (1)
Mercedes Benz Italia (20)
Exclusive Damage Car auction (4)
Tax Free Cars (33)
Suv, 4X4 and pick up (direct deal between buyer and seller). (25)
Classic Cars (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (23)
Peugeot Special (148)
Santander AT (30)
Mazda Belgium Auction (3)
Alphabet AT (58)
Low Cost Vehicles, Less than 3.000€ (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (5)
Damaged vans with cold storage room (direct deal between buyer and seller). (4)
Denzel Bank / Denzel Leasing AT (3)
Tax free Vans (5)
Ford eAuction Belgium
Multi Mix Autorola NL - The Netherlands (10)
Öppen auktion (0)

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